“Wait, what? Am I a Peacemaker?” you ask… “and what is Peace?”

- Peace is embracing the sacredness of existence, of the planet and all its creatures, accepting our responsibility to live in awareness and joy.
- Peace is being who you are, using your gifts and talents to their greatest strengths, making alliances with those who are doing the same.
- Peace is making connections across our differences, and binding them with our similarities. Each of us is alive, grateful, and beautiful. Peace is each of us being truly ourselves and making space for others to be who they truly are.
Welcome to my Peacemaker’s site. Here you have access to my blog Peacemaker’s Ponderings, along with events and other Peace news. Twelve years ago, I started writing a daily musing that observed life around me. (Sign up to receive my daily via email here.) It took a few years, but eventually I settled on a 14-line format focused on daily Peace. During that time, I began to realize that Peace and Peacemaking in their many forms were the focus of my writing and that drove the rest of the work I did. It wasn’t until I left my job as minister at a church in PA that I began to realize that not only could I call myself a Peacemaker, but also that if I wanted the world to change, I needed to step up and step out.
(To find out a bit more about me and what I’m doing, check in at AnnKeelerEvans.org .)
Since you’re here, I’m betting you’re a Peacemaker, or seeking to become one. If you’re ready to turn toward new possibilities for life and connection — to let go of the greedy, fearful, violent competition that rules so much of our world — then come walk with me. Peace, Justice, and Joy are within reach, and the way that we get there is together.